Frequently Asked Questions

A home inspection is a thorough examination of a residential property’s visible and accessible areas, systems, and components. During a home inspection, a certified inspector evaluates the condition of the home’s structure, roof, exterior, interior, plumbing, electrical, heating and cooling systems, and other major components.

The inspector’s role is to identify and report on any issues or potential problems with the property. This information can help potential homebuyers or sellers make informed decisions about the property’s condition, repairs or maintenance that may be needed, and any safety concerns.

A home inspection is a crucial step in the home buying or selling process, as it helps identify any potential problems with the property before finalizing the transaction. For buyers, a home inspection provides valuable information about the condition of the property, which can be used to negotiate repairs or a lower purchase price. For sellers, a pre-listing inspection can identify issues before putting the property on the market, allowing for repairs or disclosures to be made upfront.

The cost of a home inspection can vary based on several factors, such as the location, size, and age of the property, as well as the scope of the inspection and the level of experience of the inspector. Contact us to get an estimate (954) 439-2178

The duration of a home inspection can vary depending on the size, age, and condition of the property. A typical inspection of a single-family home can take between 2 to 4 hours. Larger or more complex properties, such as commercial buildings or multi-unit dwellings, may require more time.
While it is not mandatory, it is highly recommended that you attend the home inspection. Being present during the inspection allows you to ask questions and gain a better understanding of any issues or concerns that are identified by the inspector. Additionally, you will have the opportunity to learn about the maintenance and operation of various systems within the home.
No, the home inspector is not allowed by law to make any repairs or provide any proposal for services that is a conflict of interest. However, the home inspector may offer and provide additional inspection services that are not included in a home inspection if they are qualify to perform such.
Your home inspector will inspect readily accessible, visually observable, installed system and components. The inspection shall include structural system, exterior, roofing, plumbing, electrical, heating, air conditioning, interiors, insulation and fire places. The report is to include items that are not functioning properly, significantly deficient, unsafe, or are near the end of their service lives. We recommend our customers to be present at the moment of the inspection in order for us to educate our customers in this important process.
A “Four Point Inspection” focuses only on four main areas of interest in a home: HVAC (Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning) Electrical wiring and panels. Plumbing connections and fixtures. Roof. The inspection and report describes the condition and age of these elements. Insurance companies have become increasingly reluctant to issue Homeowner Insurance Policies on older homes, (usually 25 years old or more). Their common concern is that there may be conditions that could become a liability to them. For instance; a home with a roof nearing the end of its reliable service life may fail while under the policy and the homeowner may seek reimbursement from their insurance company for damages to the home or its contents. Similar concerns extend to the condition of the HVAC, electrical and plumbing systems in an older home. If these elements are in poor condition, in need of being updated or replaced or were improperly installed, they may fail and cause fire or water damage to a home. Newer homes are assumed, (by the insurance companies) to not have these problems as frequently as older homes.
Wind mitigation is the process of adding features to your home that help withstand or increase resistance to high winds caused by a major storm or hurricane. According to the Florida Division of Emergency Management, 15% – 70% of home insurance premiums in Florida can be attributed to wind-damage risk. While there is an upfront cost involved, outfitting your home with wind mitigation features can result in significant long-term savings. Generally, a wind mitigation inspection is needed to determine which credits apply to a home. During a wind mitigation inspection, a certified inspector looks for key features and add-ons that reduce the amount of damage your home may suffer in the event of a hurricane or strong windstorm.

Yes, a home can fail an inspection. A home inspection is a non-invasive examination of the visible and accessible components of a property. It is designed to identify defects, deficiencies, and potential problems with the building’s structure, systems, and components. If the inspector identifies significant issues during the inspection, the home may fail to meet certain standards, codes, or guidelines.

However, it’s important to understand that a “failed” inspection doesn’t necessarily mean the house is unsuitable for purchase or unsafe to live in. Instead, it simply means that there are issues that need to be addressed, and the severity of these issues will determine whether or not they need to be repaired or replaced before the sale can proceed.

As a buyer, it’s important to carefully review the inspection report and work with your real estate agent and inspector to determine the best course of action. As a seller, it’s also essential to be aware of any potential issues and address them before listing the property for sale to avoid surprises during the negotiation process.